Multidisciplinary event held in Petrolina stimulates interaction between health professionals

13/12/2017 19:12

Petrolina was held last Tuesday (12), an event that aims to stimulate interaction among health professionals with a multidisciplinary character. It is the 'Wine Drink Club', idealized by Dr. Américo Mota, a medical imager who has revolutionized and fostered the growth and updating of health professionals in the San Francisco Valley through knowledge sharing.

"We celebrated the year of this Continuing Education Project with the last Club of 2017, which focused on the multidisciplinary debate on the themes Endometriosis and Neoplasia of the Cervix," he explained. The invited speakers were Dr.ªCarlinda Sarmento Aires (gynecologist), Dr.Mariana Vila Nova Pontual (radiologist) and Dr.Sandra Lúcia Lodi Peres (surgeon / advanced videolaparoscopy).

The event happened in the middle of a dinner harmonized with wines and prepared exclusively by the chef Paulo Caria, at the Champagne Wine Club. Those interested in learning more about the Image and Wine Club and how to follow the launch of other future events can access the website

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